Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Lame kot x update blog...hahah...
hmmmm...rase nyer pic kat ats n bawh ni mmg kne ngn diri sendri..hmmm:(
Tu la..pndai2 sgt nk ade crush..skg da jd laen...huuu..:(

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Finally, after 5 and half years... the decision is made..after too many hurts, too many is the time for me to accept n to let go.. i will never hate him.. this is what ALLAH plan for both of us.... we met, we be friend, we fight, we cried, we laugh..ALLAH has a reason for what is happening....

Dear Awak...

The decision is made because this is the best for u..
and i know this is also what u really want...
I became ur burden for the past 5 year...and i never realize sorry for it...
I never realize that, evrything that i did, is something that always will make u angry, upset n agitated..if i know, i wont wait until this time... i will go away from your life long time ago...
I never realize that, from all this time, u r not appreciating me at all..
But why i still waiting for u? I dont have the reason but ALLAH does...


I will always pray for ur happines... I will always hope that, ALLAH will bless u for each steps u r taken for ur life...
Because, when we love someone, we really want that person to be happy even we are not the part of happiness....
I really hope that, u will have a very great life...great family..great wife and children... because u deserve it...

This is the end.... ALLAH plans is better than my dream.......... i do accept it... Alhamdulillah....

Friday, January 27, 2012

Indah Dewi Pertiwi - Di Atas Satu Cinta -lirik-.flv

For U.....

Lagu 'Di atas satu cinta' actually sy tuju kn utk pm n link kn lg ni kt fb awk, n i said that this is not for u n this song u can dedicate to the one u love...but actually..this song is for u... first time sy dgr ms tgk video Farah Lee n Ally Iskandar...trus je sy teringat kt awk...sedih kn? bile la sy nk lupakan awk??bertaun da kn..knape?bknnyer sy xpernah cuba....

kenapa awk cr sy lagi? awk tau x..tiap kali awk call sy..awk da buat sy letak harapan dekat awk...lepas tu awk tgl kn sy mcm tu je..awk akn wat sy sedih..kecewa..n menangis...berkali-kali...
kalau sy xbermakna dlm hidup awk..jgn la cari saye lg... wlpn sy sbb nape awk cari sy...

bile sy add awk kt fb..n post thank kt wall awk..then awk delete..mmg sy sentap sgt..betape rendahnye sy di mate awk xtau betapa pnting n tggi nye awk diri sbb, at least sy tau n sedar kedudukan sy yg sebenarnyer...

sy tau...awk ad sumone else..byk da hint awk bg kt xslh kn sy nk tetap syg dekat awk...sbb sy still x mpu nk terima lelaki laen..n sy xpernah buka ht untuk lelaki sy..selagi ht sy dekat awk..xmngkin ad ruang untuk lelaki laen...

Selari dgn ms yg berlalu..dgn usia yg yg awk miliki, bkn ape yg sy idam kn dri seorang suami..ciri2 yg awk ad xbyk dgn ape yg sy sy xtau, kenape sy masih xboleh buang awk dri hidup sy...dr hati sy...

sy syg sgt2 kt awk...sejak perasaan ni muncul...xpernah berubah..walaupon mcm2 yg terjadi...walaupon seribu kelukaan yg awk dan perasaan sy xpernah berubah buat awk...
Kalau lngsung xd ruang utk sy...pergi la awk...pergi dr hidup sy...bkn sy membenci awk...dan xmngkin sy bnci sbb sy syg sgt kt awk....selagi awk ad..selagi tu sy akan terluka..sbb sy xmpu dptkn rse syg dr awk...
sy yakin yg sy mampu hidup tanpe awk...
just jgn la muncul lagi....
sy terluka sgt bile awk ad tp awk ignore kt sy...
klu awk nk ignore..awk jgn dtg dah kt sy..
jgn msg sy..jgn col sy...awk akn wt sy sedih sgt...
sbb.... SAYE SYGKN AWK.....T_T

andai dia jodoh ku..permudah kan lah pertemuan kami...
halalkn la perhubugan kami dgn pernikahan...berkati dan bimbing la kami hingga ke syurga...

andai di bukan jodoh ku...
jauhkn la kami...hindari la kami dari melakukan kemungkaran...
temu kn lah kami dengan jodoh yg telah di tetapkan untuk kami...

Hanya pada MU YA ALLAH....
tmpat kami berserah...

Monday, January 9, 2012


i do miss him a lot....
but i know i have to move on.....
move point waiting there....because he will not open the door for me.....
move on....just let go...let him go...
